
Acoustical Requirements of Classrooms and new Concepts of Teaching

Kurt Eggenschwiler1, Markus Cslovjecsek2

1Abteilung Akustik, Empa, 8600 Dübendorf, Schweiz, Email: kurt.eggenschwiler@empa.ch
2Pädagogische Hochschule,  Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, CH-5000, Aarau, Schweiz,  Email: markus.cslovjecsek@fhnw.ch

Acoustics 08, Paris, June 29- July 4

In recent years acoustic requirements for classrooms were published in various guidelines. Of course it is important that the present knowledge will be implemented, but how should this be done? And what is the correspondence of acoustic requirements and new concepts of learning? These questions are the basis of a cooperation of the Laboratory of Acoustics at Empa, Dübendorf and the School of Teacher Education, Aarau in Switzerland. The cooperation itself is one possibility to transfer knowledge. In addition it was planned but not yet realized to develop concepts of knowledge transfer by student work (diploma thesis). Classroom acoustics were discussed in seminars and there were completed some diploma theses. One project dealt with the acoustic problems of a new teaching concept. Part of the concept is that teaching of four groups of pupils takes place in three classrooms and in the corridor. The doors of the classrooms remain open and at the same time pupils work individually, in groups, and a small group is instructed by a teacher. There were found suggestions for improving the acoustics, but for different reason the realization was not possible.

Akustische Anforderungen an Klassenräume und neue Lernformen

Kurt Eggenschwiler
Empa Abteilung Akustik
Überlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Tel. +41 44 823 41 77
Fax. +41 44 823 47 93
E-Mail: kurt.eggenschwiler@empa.ch