
Room acoustics of classrooms with different shapes

Kurt Eggenschwiler, Laboratory of Acoustics, Empa - Materials Science & Technology, CH-8600 Duebendorf, Switzerland

Euronoise 2006, Tampre, Finland, 30 May - 1 June 2006


The room acoustics of twelve classrooms in a school building have been investigated. The building was designed in an organic style of architecture encompassing a different floor plan for each classroom in order to fulfil the diverse needs of children of different ages. Room acoustical conditions were of great importance for the architect. However, as a consequence of limited funds, simple solutions were required.
A set of room acoustical parameters has been measured in three classrooms. Reverberation time and speech transmission index STI were in good accordance with today's requirements. In some rooms the reverberation times are somewhat lower than the recommended lower limit for children of normal hearing.
As a supplement to the measurements, a questionnaire survey of the teachers was carried out. The goal was to learn how the acoustics in the classrooms were accepted. The teachers stated that they were highly satisfied with the acoustical conditions, not only with regard to speech but also for playing music.
But considering the concept of the interaction of all the senses and the influence of a living architecture conditions for learning in the classroom should not be evaluated only by the acoustical situation but also by the other sensory aspects of the room. 

Resutate einer Untersuchung  zur Akustik der Klassenzimmer der Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürcher Oberland: Raumakustik der Klassenzimmer der Rudolf Steiner Schule Zürcher Oberland

Kurt Eggenschwiler
Empa Abteilung Akustik
Überlandstrasse 129
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Tel. +41 44 823 41 77
Fax. +41 44 823 47 93
E-Mail: kurt.eggenschwiler@empa.ch